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بوابة ثقافية
The 21st SICFAB Concludes on a High Note
بوابة ثقافية
Friday-2020-02-07 | 01:16 pm
Jawharat Arab News
Sharjah, UAE - 7th Feb 2020
The 21st Sharjah International Conservation Forum for Arabian Biodiversity
(SICFAB), organised by Sharjah’s Environment and Protected Areas Authority
(EPAA), officially concluded on 6
th of February at Desert Park, Sharjah. The four-day
forum witnessed high-level presentations, speeches and discussions on challenges
and solutions for biodiversity, with a particular focus on marine and coastal
ecosystems covering coral, turtles, sharks, marine mammals, mangroves and
The industry-leading event featured an array of high-level local and international
speakers and attracted 158 experts, specialists, researchers and academics from 14
countries. The event also witnessed attendees absorbing some informative
presentations, participating in working group sessions and healthy discussions.
"It was a great pleasure to host the 21st edition of SICFAB. With the pass of each
year, we have grown stronger and bigger. This year was of great importance as we
touched upon areas relating to the marine and coastal ecosystems, which are critical
to the health of the ecosystem. In the coming year, SICFAB aims to collate all the
data collected from the past forums to put action plans together for the new decade,”
said HE Hana Saif Al Suwaidi, EPAA Chairperson.
Key goals for SICFAB this included showcasing the effects that globalization has on
management of ecosystems, mitigation and/or adaptation to address the impacts of
climate change; the role technologies contribute to helping sustain ecosystem
capacities; effective means to promote interdisciplinary stakeholder involvement in
management of eco-systems; advance the research agenda on ecosystem, as well
as share experiences and best-practices in compiling and safeguarding the natural
habitats. In addition to the traditional topics discussed every year, this year SICFAB
also focused on climate change, dead zones, penguins in South Africa, mangroves,
dugongs, as well as sharks and rays.
"We are very pleased with the turnaround we have received for the event. Their
participation means a lot, and I would like to extend my gratitude to all the attendees
for their continued support in making SICFAB a successful event,” concluded HE
Hana Saif Al Suwaidi.
An important gathering of experts and specialists from around the world, SICFAB is
an opportunity to share ideas, information and experiences. It is also an opportunity
to present suggestions and initiatives that will help to conserve biodiversity, preserve
the environment and help in the identification of the status of nature in the UAE in
particular and in the Arabian Peninsula in general, which has great biodiversity. The
Forum also helps with the organisation of various plans to protect the wealth of
biodiversity in the Arabian Peninsula.
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